My name is Dominique Renda, CPCC, and I am a certified professional co-active life coach specializing in work with women in transition, women moving into wellness and balance, and women who are discovering their purpose and passion once again, or truly for the first time. I am based in Menlo Park, Palo Alto, and Los Gatos, California, and offer life coaching for women in the greater San Francisco Bay area, California, and nationwide.
As you review this information about coaching, you are taking the first steps into your happy, balanced, healthy renewed life. You are on your way!
Life Coaching • Transition Coaching • Women’s Coaching
Wellness Coaching • Personal Coaching • Career Coaching
Creativity Coaching • Life Balance Coaching
email dominiquerenda@gmail.com phone 650.906.3555 Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Los Gatos, CA