Dominique Renda Life Coach


String of Lights

Poetry & Photographic Art of The Human Landscape

“… Black hair braided, bohemian noir,
Black-framed glasses
frame a jack-rabbit mind, too full of thoughts
to really be contained
by symmetrical lines,
or borders of any style…”
—Dominique Renda

Dominique Renda and Brooks Anderson partner words and images infused with understanding in this collection of poetry and photographic art – snapshots of humanity, glimpses of nature. Where their first collaboration, Swimming in Open Water, explored transition into uncharted territory, in String of Lights paths are eloquently illuminated.

Available at your local bookseller, or at  •  $24.95


Swimming in Open Water

Poems & Photographic Art of Fluid Transition

“… Branches snap, winded and worn,
mud splatters on a nearby fence,
confused birds take flight,
and the yellow road sign reading
‘Caution’ snaps,
leaving a raw stake
without direction
at the crossroads.”
—Dominique Renda

Dominique Renda and Brooks Anderson join their exquisite artistry and human sensitivity in this unique collection of poetry and photographic art, where individual expression becomes universal truth and our sense of order is tenderly rearranged.

Available at your local bookseller, or at  •  $24.95


Midnight Daydreams

Poetry of Heart Tales and Mindscapes

“… A radio plays the old tunes,
Mama’s voice tells a tale
of beggars and horses
and natural forces
befallen to wishers
and dreamers’ high rides
left to dandelions and stars,
now not as far
as the man in Levi’s
and the woman with a pen.
There is no end.
Home is created,
the water runs through,
beggars ride bareback
and dreams do come true.”
—Dominique Renda

Dominique Renda and Blake Horsley’s Midnight Daydreams invites the reader on a journey through breathtaking and heartfelt landscapes of lives both recognizable and unforeseen. The authors’ poetic portraits offer compelling characters, and represent a deep slice of life, crystallizing moments, realizations, and dreams lost and found.

Available at your local bookseller, or at  •  $12.95